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Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Save the Earth With Wind Power

From very long time, wind is used as a source of energy. It is one such natural resource, which is abundantly available in the nature. Actually if we go deeper in thought, we find out that wind power is nothing but another form of solar energy. Hence all the natural resources are in some way inter-connected. Due to the uneven heating of the sun, wind is created.
Nowadays wind has become one of the most common forms of producing electricity.
Producing electricity from wind is the most economical and easiest way. Electricity is produced from wind with the help of the turbines. The easiest way to understand how turbine works is to observe a fan and think about it operating in the reverse manner. In a fan the electricity rotates the fan and produces wind, where as in turbine, wind rotates it and produces electricity.
Electricity is produced from the turbine in the following way: when wind hits the turbine, the blades of the turbine turn and thus produces wind. This wind turns into a shaft and hits the generator and generator in turn produces current.
Wind power is also created at homes. When we use wind power instead of electricity, we can find a huge difference in the power bill. It is not a hard process to construct wind power at home. To make a wind turbine a few items are required which will be easily available in the market at a very reasonable rate. The electricity produced in this way can be used for all the electrical appliances, farm and other industries.
As the technology develops, so do many things change. Nowadays we get huge wind turbines, which are capable of producing more electricity. If electricity is produced from wind, then this will lead to so many advantages, which will save our earth from perishing.

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